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Stock Charts

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Real-time market price

2025/03/04 16:29:17
Stock Price Information
  • A323990 Vaxcell-Bio
  • the present price8,930
  • Compared to the previous day 450 (-4.80%)
  • Volume of transaction170,880
  • transaction price1,533,925,170
Present Price 9,380 Upper Limit Price 12,190
High Price 9,380 Low Limit Price 6,570
Low Price 8,900 face value 500
the present price 0.00 52weeks
(based on closing price)
The maximum price 25,200
Number of listed stocks 22,993,200 The Lowest price 8,900
Present Price 9,380
High Price 9,380
Low Price 8,900
the present price 0.00
Number of listed stocks 22,993,200
Upper Limit Price 12,190
Low Limit Price 6,570
face value 500
(based on closing price)
The maximum price
(based on closing price)
The Lowest price
Asking Price
Residual selling volume Asking Price Remaining quantity of purchase
715 8,980
100 8,970
578 8,960
101 8,950
5 8,940
8,930 3,649
8,920 742
1,499 Sum 15,941
Closing price by time zone
시간대별체결가 안내
시간 체결가 전일대비 매도호가 매수호가 매수잔량
15:30:00 8,930 450 8,940 8,930 1,905
15:20:00 8,920 460 8,940 8,930 1
15:19:30 8,920 460 8,920 8,910 512
15:19:00 8,920 460 8,920 8,910 6
15:18:30 8,920 460 8,920 8,910 3
15:17:50 8,920 460 8,920 8,910 56
15:17:30 8,910 470 8,920 8,910 668
15:17:00 8,920 460 8,920 8,910 90
15:16:30 8,920 460 8,920 8,910 248
15:16:00 8,930 450 8,930 8,920 2
Transactions by member company
회원사별거래 안내
매도상위 매수상위
증권사 거래량 증권사 거래량
NHIS 21,763 Kiwoomcom Securitie 33,014
Samsung Securities C 21,004 MRASDW 26,545
Kiwoomcom Securitie 19,540 NHIS 24,545
Korea Investment S 19,519 KB Sec 24,180
Shinhan Investment C 15,330 Korea Investment S 16,429
the market price by date
일자별시세 안내
일자 종가 전일대비 시가 고가 저가 거래량 거래대금
25/03/04 8,930 450 9,380 9,380 8,900 170,880 1,533,925,170
25/02/28 9,380 220 9,500 9,570 9,380 105,032 991,027,360
25/02/27 9,600 210 9,400 9,940 9,400 302,995 2,934,020,830
25/02/26 9,390 70 9,410 9,410 9,280 68,090 634,736,050
25/02/25 9,320 60 9,380 9,520 9,280 100,787 944,800,360
25/02/24 9,380 60 9,320 9,380 9,270 87,151 813,635,640
25/02/21 9,320 0 9,440 9,840 9,300 266,730 2,536,025,500
25/02/20 9,320 240 9,560 9,570 9,290 156,122 1,471,237,060
25/02/19 9,560 150 9,710 9,780 9,540 160,622 1,539,102,080
25/02/18 9,710 80 9,810 9,860 9,710 88,809 866,082,780